Website comments using your Telegram messenger account

When I wrote about Telegram's comment widget last year it was OK for occasional use, but wasn't really ready to be integrated programatically across an entire domain: there was no option for admins to subscribe to new comments across all web pages.

That concern has since been addressed. 

Just check a box to receive notifications within Telegram on any new comment. 

So I've added Telegram's comment widget to all pages using one line of code! 

Below any article on this site you can comment using your Telegram or Google account. 

Logging in to comment using Telegram is super easy. Click the login button and enter the phone number tied to your Telegram account.

You'll instantly be sent a message within Telegram to confirm your identity. Confirm it was you and you're good to go for all articles on that domain. It's that simple. 

Moderation for site owners is easy too.  Admins can remove any comment, block users and can also add further moderators to help should they wish. 

If you can add one simple line of code you could use Telegram comments on your site.


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