Visibility - Digital Communication

As with people, it is helpful to break our idea of visibility for digital communication (aka social media) down into it's basic components. Communication is either nonpublic or public.

In this article I'm not taking about privacy, which can be implemented in a number of ways; I'm just asking you to think about visibility. NonPublic or Public.


For digital communication I hope we can agree on the definition for public as the following:
"Done, perceived, or existing in open view."
One's WhatsApp messages, texts, emails are not written, or perceived to exist in open view. Where as tweets, and Instagram posts, from accounts which do not place restrictions on visibility would be both perceived as public by the author and exist in open view.

Public content should be considered as available to people in groups: A, B, C and or D. But non-public digital communication is still possible, depending on platform limitations with people in groups A, B, C, and or D.

It's important to see and understand the visibility component of your digital communication, as well as recognise that "privacy" is not the same as visibility.


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