Where now? - Identity

This article is part of my WhereToNow series, dealing with specific things I have enjoyed in my time using Google's axed social network.

What do I mean by identity?

I'm meaning two things. 

Firstly the "home" of me online. What's the one URL where I send people to find information about or connect with "ME" online.

Traditionally this might have been a personal web site. But with the rise of social media it's become more common to consider profile on your preferred social platform as the URL one would send others to.

For the last eight years I have sent people looking for "me" online to my Google+ profile.

Originally I could link directly to the "About" section, but with the move from "classic" Google+ people needed to click "About" to view the contact card. Which was still the most information dense place about me online.

A passport online

Secondly an "identity" provides access and is something you use elsewhere. You can still use your Google account to login on some sites and apps but you will be less likely to then be connected with others you are familiar with as you'll no longer have a network that comes that Google account.

So where to now? Where do I set up home online?

Or is a fragmented clutch of apps, sites and logins the best way forward?


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