Make the most of Twitter

I've written previously about Tweeting your best tweet, so I'll only briefly mention here that using Twitter "properly" is about knowing your objective and using the available platform features to enable you to reach that objective.

In essence you have three elements with which to do this.

#1 - Text

The text, often referred to as "copy", carries your communication or message. 

#2 - Media

The media, images or video, supports your communication message.

#3 - Hyperlink

The link provides a pathway for your audience to learn more or connect further with the brand or related topics. Hyperlinks can be text based, where they would sit in the copy, or part of the media. I use Twitter cards quite a lot as they are tidy and provide a larger clickable area. 

In my view you should always provide (where possible) a pathway for your audience to connect further or learn more. It's true that some viewers are reluctant to click on links, not wanting to "leave" the platform, but if you are using social media for business then there is no excuse for not providing a pathway for your audience with each communication.

Examples ...

Ford Europe

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link ✔

Ford Italy

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link ✔ (Text link)

Ford UK

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Netherlands

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Ireland

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Germany

Text ✔ Media ✔ (Image) Link ✔ (Text link)

Ford Switzerland

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Spain

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Portugal

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Poland

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford Austria

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Ford France

Text ✔ Media ✔ Link? ... No

Providing examples here, after the last crop, shows room for improvement remains.
Improvement doesn't require much time or effort. It just requires thought


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